Alpha Test House is a Group of leading Multi-Disciplinary Testing Laboratories with a strong customer base location in Northern part of India. We provide services with an objective to provide reliability, safety, quality, Environmental friendly as well as cost effectiveness with technical support with solutions. Alpha Test House with extensive presence through a large Valued Customers base in India & across the world covering wide range of sectors which includes Solar Photovoltaic Module, Solar PV Systems, Road & Highways Material, Building Material, Metal, Alloy Products & Components, Non Destructive Testing, Soil, Geotechnical Investigation, Environmental, Chemical, Water testing etc.
Product Categories : SOLAR ENERGY > Inverters, charge controllers, batteries and module connectors , SOLAR ENERGY > Photovoltaic (PV) modules, hybrid systems, materials and equipments , SOLAR ENERGY > Turnkey solution providers , SOLAR ENERGY > Electrical test and measuring systems , COGENERATION > Complete plant solution providers , COGENERATION > Equipment suppliers and service providers , COGENERATION > Consultants , other, Photovoltaic products (Solar products) Testing Laboratory