Loom Solar Pvt. Ltd.
Established in 2018 based out of Faridabad, Haryana, We are leading Manufacturers of quality Solar systems, providing photovoltaic (PV) Modules, energy storage batteries, and inverters to customers around the world. Operating out of 2 manufacturing facilities, 4 delivery centers spread over 1,00,000 sq. feet, with an In house R&D Facility, and a team of 150 people. We have over seven years of experience in the solar sector, with work in both national and international markets. Our 10-person R&D team thoroughly tests all products before they are sent for installation.
Product Categories : SOLAR ENERGY > Manufacturers of cell and module encapsulation, crystal growth equipments, diffusion furnaces, laminators, mounting systems, concentrators, trackers and collectors , SOLAR ENERGY > Inverters, charge controllers, batteries and module connectors , SOLAR ENERGY > Photovoltaic (PV) modules, hybrid systems, materials and equipments